Here's what's been competing with flickr/blog hopping in the evenings for my time. I'm enjoying Lego Batman at the moment, all the Lego games have been fun. I did have to sacrifice a touch of realism for this photo. I had to leave the nunchuk on the floor as I don't have three hands and can't take a photo with my teeth (yet).
After Amy wearing all my bangles earlier in the week, we took her swimming today. We got her first pair of armbands and she LOVED it. Wanted to go back in the afternoon. I did try to take a photo of the armbands, as I couldn't obviously take any of her at the public pool, but they didn't come out right, they're just too orange.
Don't you just love the Wii! I am looking for the Monopoly game this week. But I will have to check out the Lego games.